Navigating Ancestry's Database for Genealogical Research

Time & Location
Oct 09, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
About the Event
The presentation will dive into Ancestry’s databases and show how you can be an influential researcher and get results when searching for your family in records. Several databases will be reviewed to help you push your research back in time. By examining and understanding the information that you find on a database, the Census Records, Military Records of the First World War and Immigration Passenger Lists documents will begin to give you a method for compiling a visual image as well as historical details about your Canadian ancestors.
The Presenter:
Melissa J. Ellis (Toronto) solves problems by looking “outside the box.” She is a former president of the Friends of the Archives of Ontario and a graduate of the University of Strathclyde’s Postgraduate Certificate in Genealogical Studies. Melissa is the CEO and forensic genealogist of Archive Search, a firm that specializes in researching the past to find the living.